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Home Maintenace

home improvements Home Maintenace House & Home

Household Problems You Should Tackle ASAP

When it comes to home maintenance, you may have a long list of items you want to tackle. From fresh coats of paint to tightening hardware, your list may range in the level of urgency required. Maintaining your home is a crucial part of homeownership, especially if you want to uphold your home’s value. Here are some household problems that you should mark “most urgent” and tackle right away.


It’s common to spot mold in damp areas of your home like the kitchen or bathroom every now and then. To help prevent this from happening in the first place, ensure you have proper ventilation in rooms that can get steamy and damp.

If you catch mold making a surprise appearance somewhere unexpected, your living room walls for example, it’s time to bring in the experts for a closer look. They’ll take a look and determine whether you can handle the cleanup solo or if it’s best to bring in a professional remediation crew. Better safe than sorry, right?

HVAC System Concerns

Your heating and cooling system may make a bit of noise here and there, but if you start hearing anything that sounds like banging or squealing, it’s time to take notice. Those loud, out-of-the-ordinary sounds could be a sign of trouble with some of the important mechanical components. Get your HVAC technician on the case pronto. You don’t want to leave the issue long in case it gets worse (and becomes a more expensive fix). Plus, you want to be comfortable in those hot or cold months.

Critters or wildlife

Wildlife Prevention

Wildlife getting a little too close for comfort around the exterior of your home (i.e. in your chimney, on a balcony, in the garage, eavestrough, or window wells) should be dealt with in a timely manner. The City of Toronto has a great list of recommendations to Wildlife Proof Your Home and Lawn to help you mitigate any furry friends moving in. For example:

Prevention Skirts for Skunks and Foxes

A “prevention skirt” encloses areas underneath patio decks and sheds and other places where animals may make a dens. To keep animals from burrowing under these sites, dig a trench around the base of the structure and use galvanized heavy wire screening as a prevention skirt.

The screening should go at least 20 to 30 cm. straight down and 20 to 30 cm., angled 90° outwards underground so the screen forms an “L” shape. Backfill the area with dirt. If you pile rocks or other items over this area against the structure, the animal can burrow around the wire mesh barrier.

Handle Small Critters and Pests

Smaller critters may make their way into your home. If you see any signs of ants or mice, you’ll want to take action right away. Those little critters crawling around your home is a sign that you have openings in your home somewhere that need to be closed.

Inspect areas such as exhaust vents, condensate lines, pipes, ducts, utility access panels, and garage doors for evident gaps, indications of chewing or nesting, or torn screening. If you’re unsure about what you’re observing or lack confidence in your ability to address the issue, it’s a good idea to contact a professional exterminator. If you come across mouse or bird droppings, be extra cautious as they can pose health risks.

Damaged Roof

Speaking of keeping critters out…maintaining a solid exterior is the best way to keep unwanted creatures and the elements out of your home. Inspect your roof throughout the year to make sure you don’t have any damaged or missing shingles. If you do, it’s important to tend to the issue as soon as possible. The purpose of shingles is to protect the wood sheathing underneath from moisture, which can be a much bigger (and more expensive) problem than a damaged shingle.

You’ll also want to pay attention to your roofline to ensure it’s not starting to sag at all. If you live in an older home, a sagging roofline could be a sign that something is loose or rotten underneath. If you notice any potential sagging (or any issues you spot from your attic), you’ll want to deal with them right away.

Peeling Paint

When you notice the paint peeling off the outside of your house, it’s more than just an eyesore. Sun and water can sneak in and wreak havoc on the wood beneath. Here’s the game plan: grab your scraper and get rid of that peeling paint down to the bare wood. Then, apply primer and let it dry before adding a fresh coat of paint.

Now, when it comes to indoor peeling paint, if you’re seeing it flake off in rough squares like an alligator’s skin, it’s time to pay attention. That’s often a telltale sign of lead-based paint lurking underneath. If it’s a big area, it’s smart to chat with a pro about getting it safely removed.

Jittery Interior or Exterior Railings

Railings serve an important purpose: to provide stability (especially to young kids, elderly people, and those with liabilities). If you notice any of your railings have a wobble, you should look into the issue. Hopefully, it’s just a matter of tightening the attachment to the wall. If you’re not confident in your ability to secure the railing properly, bring in a professional as soon as you can.

Dripping Plumbing

Whether it’s a dripping faucet or a running toilet, little drips can add up. An issue like a running toilet will show up on your water bill.

Leaky Faucet

For a leaky faucet, be sure to turn the water off before you attempt to tighten anything under the sink. Here are some steps you can take if you’re going to attempt to fix a leaky faucet on your own.

Running toilet

A toilet could be running for a few reasons. Two common reasons are:

  1. The valve is not shutting off properly and the tank is constantly filling
  2. Ghost flushing: the toilet fills up and then without anyone using it, it fills up again a few minutes later

This article breaks down how you can fix these common running toilet problems your self.

If you’re not confident in fixing plumbing issue by yourself (or identifying the core issue), call a plumber to come check it out as soon as possible.

The importance of fixing these household problems ASAP

Getting on top of household issues pronto isn’t just about keeping things looking spick and span—it’s about safeguarding your home and your family. Whether it’s a leaky faucet, a wonky electrical outlet, or a creaky floorboard, tackling these problems ASAP can prevent them from spiraling into bigger, costlier headaches down the line. Plus, addressing issues promptly can also help maintain the value of your home and ensure everyone’s safety and comfort. So, don’t procrastinate—get fixing, and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with a well-maintained abode!

If you’re thinking about selling your home now or in the next few years, it’s especially important to stay on top of your home maintenance tasks. Not only the crucial issues we talked about today, but all the tasks that help make your home a comfortable, functional property.

Proper home maintenance allows potential buyers to see themselves living blissfully in your home, and to not be focused on potential fixes. If a buyer spots an issue with your home, it could make their mind wander to wonder what else is wrong with the property. Don’t give them a reason to not love your home!

If you have questions about getting your home ready to sell, or what you can do to improve the value of your property, don’t hesitate to reach out!

sold@cindycody.ca | 519-746-5136

home improvements Home Maintenace House & Home Selling

Preparing Your Home For a Home Inspection

Hey there, homeowners! So, you’ve decided to put your beloved house on the market—exciting times ahead! (Learn more about the Kitchener-Waterloo Spring Market here!) But let’s talk about one of those less-than-exciting parts: the home inspection. We get it, it can feel daunting, but fret not! With a bit of preparation, you can breeze through it like a pro.

First off, let’s acknowledge a universal truth: no home is flawless. It’s totally normal to have some quirks or issues here and there. Potential buyers understand this too. They just want to know upfront about any major stuff that might need fixing down the line—kind of like how you’d want the scoop before buying your next dream home.

Here are some friendly tips to help you get ready for that home inspection:

  1. Tidy up: A clutter-free home not only makes a better impression but also allows the inspector to access every nook and cranny easily i.e. access to crawl spaces, attics and the basement. Plus, who doesn’t love a neat space?
  2. Fix the basics: Got any leaky faucets or loose doorknobs? Now’s the time to tackle those little maintenance tasks, like re-caulking any areas that are looking worn. They might seem minor, but they show that you’ve cared for your home.
  3. Organize documentation: Do you have receipts for recent repairs or renovations? Awesome! Gather those up—they could come in handy during the inspection. Some examples include: HVAC records, warranties, roof repairs, appliance installations, etc.
  4. Check your systems: Take a quick look at your HVAC, plumbing, and electrical systems. Make sure everything’s working smoothly, replace any filters that are dirty, and test that everything is in working order. If not, consider having a professional take a look before the inspection.
  5. Check safety features: This is a good time to double-check that your smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detections, etc. are in good working order (fresh batteries) and haven’t expired.
  6. Trim up the exterior: Don’t forget to pay attention to the exterior of your home as well. Trim bushes and trees away from the home, clean out the gutters, and check the roof and siding for any potential need for repairs. Check that all your exterior light fixtures are working and that all paths are clear.
  7. Be honest: Honesty is the best policy, especially when it comes to disclosing any known issues with your home. It builds trust and saves everyone time and hassle in the long run.
  8. Leave the inspector to do their job: You may be tempted to stick around, but it’s a good idea to leave the home during the inspection.
    Typically, potential buyers prefer to be present during the inspection. They might feel uneasy about asking the inspector questions if you’re around. Take the opportunity to go do something for a few hours.

By taking these simple steps, you’ll not only make the inspection process smoother but also show potential buyers that your home has been well-cared for. So take a deep breath, put on your homeowner hat, and get ready to ace that inspection!

If you have any questions about preparing your home for your home inspection, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re happy to offer you our advice.

Thinking of selling your home?

Here are some other blogs you might be interested in:

More of the advice you want

Need help? We’re here to offer you professional real estate advice. If you’re thinking about selling your home now or even in a year or two, we’d be happy to connect with you about your goals. We’ll take a look at your home and offer advice on what you can do to prepare your home for this real estate market.

Home Maintenace House & Home

Ways To Take Care of Your Home at the End of Summer

As much as we don’t want to admit it, the summer season is winding down. With a new season on its way, it’s the perfect opportunity to give your property some TLC.

We know you’ve been busy soaking up the sun, going on vacations, and hosting backyard BBQs, so it’s possible that you haven’t had the time to maintain certain areas of your home and property. Take some time to spruce things up before the leaves start falling.

End-of-Summer Home Maintenance Tips

Before the colder weather sets in, here are some ways you can take care of your home:

    • Store outdoor furniture and equipment properly to protect them from the elements.
    • Take a look at your deck or patio. Check for any damaged areas that need repair or resealing.
    • Clean your gutters and downspouts to prevent clogs and water damage.
    • Inspect your property for any pests who have decided to settle in
    • Check your roof for any damage or leaks and make repairs as needed.
    • Seal any cracks or gaps around windows and doors to keep the cold air out.
    • Inspect your heating system and replace filters if necessary.
    • It’s always a good idea to get into the routine of checking your smoke detectors.
    • Check that your hoses are all in working order (no holes or leaks).
    • Catch up on any landscaping you didn’t have time for in the summer months.
    • It’s not a pretty job, but take a few minutes to clean out your garbage, recycling and green bins.

      By following these simple tips, you can ensure that your home is in good shape and ready for the fall and winter months. Happy home maintenance!

      Thinking of Selling Your Home?

      We’re here to offer you professional real estate advice. If you’re thinking about selling your home now or even in a year or two, we’d be happy to connect with you about your goals. We’ll take a look at your home and offer advice on any upgrades that would add value to your home.

      Home Maintenace House & Home Selling

      Easy Ways To Improve Your Home’s Curb Appeal

      Let’s talk curb appeal for a minute. You’ve probably heard the term. It’s the first impression buyers get of a home when they see it from the street.

      Why is curb appeal important?

      That initial reaction a buyer has to a property can have a lasting impact.

      Not only is that first impression formed as they walk up to a property, but it can also be started before beginning their in-person home viewing. If you’re selling your home, think about how it will present itself in photos online.

      If you’re thinking of selling your home, we’d love to talk to you about your home’s curb appeal and how you can make a great first impression on buyers.

      If you’re not planning on moving anytime soon, curb appeal still applies. Think about when you invite friends and family over to your home. Create an inviting aesthetic for your guests, but also for yourself. How awesome is it to walk up to a beautiful home and know it’s yours!

      If you’re looking to make some improvements to your home’s curb appeal before buyers (and photographers) hit your driveway, here are some small changes that will make a big impact.

      Curb Appeal Improvements In Under 60-Minutes

      • Check that nothing in sight is visibly broken and that light fixtures are in working order
      • Close the garage door and tuck away any potential eyesores (garbage bins, yard tools, toys, etc.)
      • Clear the driveway of your cars
      • Wash the front windows (inside and out) and garage door windows if there are any
      • Sweep the driveway, walkway and front entrance of any debris, leaves, etc.
      • Tidy up the lawn and gardens
      • If anything is really worn out, such as a welcome mat, consider replacing it

      Put yourself in buyers’ shoes. Stand in front of your home and try to look at it with new eyes. Scan the property for any areas that could use sprucing up.

      Need more inspiration? Check out these Jaw-Dropping Curb Appeal Makeovers

      Get More Advice

      Need help? We’re here to offer you professional real estate advice. If you’re thinking about selling your home now or even in a year or two, we’d be happy to connect with you about your goals. We’ll take a look at your home and offer advice on any upgrades that would add value to your home.

      Home Maintenace House & Home

      Spring Cleaning Guide: How To Dispose Of Different Types of Waste

      It’s that time of year again! After a long winter indoors, it’s time to give your home the refresh it deserves. For some spring cleaning is just that; cleaning. But others take on decluttering tasks and spend time reorganizing their homes for the year ahead.

      If you’re in the latter category, you might find yourself with a number of items to get rid of. Here’s a quick guide to help you determine where and how to dispose of different types of waste (or non-waste items).

      Garbage and Recycling Items

      If most of your waste is smaller items that fit into your garbage and recycling bins, you should be able to rely on your regular garbage and recycling pickup. Here is a Region of Waterloo guide to help you determine how much waste you can put out for pick-up, the types of items you can include, and how to properly and safely bag your waste.

      Yard Waste

      If your spring cleaning extends into your yard, you’ll likely have a pile of yard waste to dispose of. Seasonal yard waste collection runs from late March until November or December. Acceptable items include: branches, leaves, pine cones and plant waste. Review this resource to learn how to prepare your yard waste, what is accepted, collection schedule and rules, and other details.

      Bulky Items

      If you have larger items that don’t fit in the Region’ of Waterloo’s approved garbage containers, mark your calendar for the bulky items collection days (every second week).

      Bulk items may include: appliances, rugs or carpets, scrap lumber, furniture, or mattresses.

      Use the Region’s Waste Whiz tool to determine how you can recycle of dispose of a specific item.

      If your items are too large or you have a large load of waste, look into the drop-off waste management sites.

      Clothing & Donation Items

      If your spring cleaning tasks include decluttering and getting rid of excess clothing, you’ll likely end up with a pile of items that aren’t waste. Don’t throw away any items that are still in good condition. There’s always someone who would appreciate them. This is the “Reuse” element of recycling!

      Consider selling or donating these items. Donated clothing can go to local drop-in centers, clothing donation bins, and second-hand stores.

      More Spring Cleaning Guides

      Here are some other helpful guides you may want to reference before or during your spring cleaning!

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